Call Us Now- 810-407-6316
value. ​quality care. convenience.
When you are suffering from unexpected injuries, or when you simply require physical therapy services we are the provider you need. Our professional team of licensed physical therapists, licensed physical therapist assistants, certified trainers and nutritionists are equipped to handle a comprehensive range of musculoskeletal conditions and injuries as well as quality of life concerns.
​You can be assured – we have a commitment to excellence when it comes to the level of care we provide.
Services include a physical therapy evaluation and plan of care for neck pain, back pain, shoulder pain, elbow pain, hip pain, knee pain and ankle pain. Our plan of care includes therapeutic exercise, manual techniques along with hot and cold therapy, ultrasound, electrical stimulation and decompression therapy. Patients are given home exercise programs upon completion of therapy. We treat diagnosis including, but not limited to, cervical and lumbar radiculopathy, degenerative disc disease, degenerative joint disease, rotator cuff tears, tendonitis, frozen shoulder, tennis elbow, carpal tunnel syndrome, osteoarthritis, patella femoral disorders, ACL tears, ankle sprains and plantar fascitis.
A growing body of research supports massage therapy for health and wellness. A growing body of research is documenting the impact of massage therapy for relief of anxiety and depression. Massage therapy is also known to benefit individuals with painful conditions. We offer massage therapy to help relieve pain and muscle tension, resulting from injuries, stress and other functional disorders.
Eating right along with being active helps fight preventable diseases such as heart disease and diabetes. Dietary guidelines have changed over the years as research becomes more accurate in what we should eat to obtain optimum health and weight. We offer instruction on healthy ways to improve diet in effort to assist with weight loss, improving energy and minimizing painful inflammatory conditions. These classes are designed to help jumpstart a better quality of life by teaching ways to improve your daily diet.
Every year most older adults lose one percent of their muscle mass. Recent studies show its never too late to rebuild strength and prevent muscle loss through strength training. Strength training can help you stay physically active, help maintain memory and prevent falls. A study by UCLA in the American Journal of Medicine found that older adults with the most muscle mass were 20 percent less likely to have died during a ten to sixteen year follow-up then other test subjects. Personal training classes will challenge your muscles by teaching you techniques to help build muscle.
According to the World Health Organization statistics show falls are the second leading cause of accidental or unintentional injury deaths worldwide. Adults over the age of 65 suffer the greatest number of fatal falls. Balance classes will offer prevention strategies emphasizing education, training and creating safer environments.